Want to Learn How to Conduct an Indoor Mold Inspection?
Join the Mold Inspection Class Today, But first Try the FREE Quizzes. It's FUN!
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Who Am I and Why Did I Create This Course?
I am a Microbiologist who has specialized in the field of mycology (the study of moulds and yeasts). I graduated from the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, with a Masters degree in Fungal Technology and a PhD in Microbiology. I would like to share my experience of over 34 years dealing with molds in indoor and agricultural environments.
That's why I created this course. To share knowledge!
Learn From the Expert
I have analyzed thousands of indoor mold samples. I also regularly teach a course on how to recognize mold, perform effective sampling and interpret laboratory results. I provide how-to advice on mold and bacteria issues. Get more information about indoor mold and bacteria at www.moldbacteria.com