Mold Inspection, Identification and Control Course
Increased mold problems in indoor environments has created demand for mold inspection services. While the industry is not yet regulated in most jurisdictions, knowledge of mold is essential to be successful in conducting or running a mold inspection business.
By taking this course, you’ll develop an understanding of the methods used to inspect for mold growth in buildings, the different types of samples that may be collected during mold inspection and how to interpret laboratory results.
And being online, it offers flexibility, convenience and cost effectiveness.
The most convenient and cost effective online course to improve your knowledge and skills in Mold Inspection, Mold Identification and Mold Control. Develop a detailed understanding of the methods used to inspect for mold growth in buildings, the different types of samples that may be collected during mold inspection as well as how to interpret laboratory results.
Mold Inspection Business Course
Mold Inspection as a business can be conducted on it’s own or as part of general home inspection. The demand for mold inspection is increasing everyday as people become more and more aware of the destructive nature of mold in buildings and associated health effects.
This course focuses on how to successfully start and operate a mold inspection business. It also covers how to conduct the actual mold inspection, identification and control.
$1,250.99 $790.99
If you do home renovations and home inspection, mold inspection can be a perfect add on to your portfolio.
Fungal Spore Identification Course
Fungal spore identification is not easy. Unlike identification of fungi from cultures or other substrates where additional fungal structures are available to help in identification, airborne spores may have very few or no characteristics that can be used for identification. This course provides detailed instructions on how to identify fungal spores and how to report those spores that cannot be identified.
$1,155.59 $570.82
The only course you’ll ever need to master fungal spore sampling, identification, enumeration and data interpretation. Develop skills to enable you prepare airborne fungal spore samples for analysis, accurately count and identify a variety of spore types, and calculate airborne spore concentrations.
How To Interpret Mold Test Results Course
This course is designed to help you interpret the lab results in light of observations made during the visual inspection. As a mold investigator, it’s important to have a well defined sampling objective. The sampling objective will help you to develop a scope (sampling strategy) which includes the data required and hence the type of samples to take (i.e., viable or non-viable), the minimum number of samples to take, when to take them and how to interpret the resulting data. Enroll today and gain the necessary skills to help you interpret mold results with ease.
Interpreting mold test results is not easy! This is particularly the case with air samples because there are no acceptable limits. In this short course you’ll learn how you can interpret lab results.
How To Take Mold Samples Course
The How To Take Mold Samples course provides practical information on the types of mold samples to collect, and when and where to collect them. Collecting the right samples, the right way ensures that your lab results are defensible and easy to interpret.
Mold test results are only as good as the sampling procedure. Some of the mistakes mold inspectors make include submitting inadequate samples, submitting inappropriate samples, or collecting samples wrongly. In this course you’ll learn how to correctly take mold samples.
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